1. Explore Vegetarian Meals

Interested in switching up your diet? Then try introducing some vegetarian or vegan meals. Explore plant-based meals from different cultures to add more flavor to your veggies. I suggest Indian or Mediterranean! Plus, you’ll contribute to reducing your carbon footprint since meat and dairy production release high amounts of carbon.
2. Consistently bring reusable bags when shopping
Whether it's the grocery store or local shopping, try bringing your own bag when shopping. It can be easy to forget to grab that one bag when running a quick errand, which is why I suggest storing them in a convenient location, such as by the front door. I personally keep a bag of bags in my car!

3. Start composting!
Sometimes it seems easier just to compile all of your trash into one bin, but composting doesn’t require much more effort. Especially while cooking, food waste can pile up, which is why I suggest getting a small composting bin to keep by your cooking station. Check out my composting setup!
4. Make your own skincare products!
Purchasing skincare products can accumulate a great amount of waste due to the act of repurchasing products, excess packaging, and the container itself. To reduce your waste I suggest making your own skincare products. Personally, I suffer from mild eczema so I’ve searched far and wide for products to treat it. Finally, I tried creating my own body butter and not only does it do wonders for my skin, but I’ve also cut down on my waste! I make it in bulk and store it in old jars.
5. Support your local Farmer’s Market!
